Susannah W. Simpson
Narrative Lyric Poet | Hospice Nurse | ESL Tutor

About Susannah
Susannah W. Simpson is a narrative lyric poet, a hospice nurse, and an ESL tutor. Her work has been published in North American Review, Potomac, Wisconsin Review, POET, Nimrod International, Poet Lore, Salamander, Sequestrum, South Carolina Review, SWWIM, and Xavier Review among others. Her work was accepted by Cream Literary Alliance: Her Voice Series and was read in November 2021 at the Norton Museum, West Palm Beach. Simpson's poems have been anthologized in Full Moon and Foxglove by Three Drops Press, UK., Fierce Words from the Intangible World (SoFloPoJo), and Beyond Words: Women. Life. Her Poem "Buying Spices at the Green Market" was selected to be included in West Palm Beach Development Council Story Edition Project and her four-poem series on writing poetry won second prize in the April 2023 CommuterLit contest. She is the Founder and Co-Director of Performance Poets of the Palm Beaches Monthly Reading Series. She and her husband, drummer John Nokovic, and their four dogs, divide their time traveling between homesteads in both Florida and Wisconsin. Read more >

My ultimate goal for my work is for it to be accessible, and relatable and to offer a connection between people. This quote by Christian Wiman sums it up:
“Let us remember...that in the end, we go to poetry for one reason, so that we might more fully inhabit our lives and the world in which we live them, and that if we more fully inhabit these things, we might be less apt to destroy both.”
― Christian Wiman
Her book: Geography of Love & Exile was published by Cervena Barva Press (Somerset, MA). Order Now >
